Sunday, June 7, 2009

0 UK sovereign debt risk

Not only do those debt and budgetary issues put the GBP at risk, the potential for a ratings downgrade on UK sovereign debt adds a tremendous amount of risk. Just like Treasuries and Bunds, Gilts are AAA rated but it's my opinion their rating is now at risk. With UK government expenses running almost 125% higher than revenues, how can their sovereign debt rating not be at risk?

The way the UK is dealing with the staggering expense-to-revenue situation is by printing more money but anybody with half a brain cell in their head knows that's not an answer to the problem. In a perfect and honest world the UK's debt rating would have already been reduced to at least emerging market levels (BBB) even though their budget, expense-to-revenue, and debt-to-GDP ratios rival that of any third world country. At this point Great Britain's monetary and fiscal situation reminds me of another island, Haiti.

According to the latest UK debt figures, the DMO will need to raise an additional £197 billion in public debt in 2010, £154 billion in 2012 and 2013, and £125 billion in 2013 and 2014. So, what does all this mean for us as Forex traders, especially for those that trade the pound? It's very simple, and it won't matter what your chart or your techs say, should Standard and Poors, Moodys, or Fitch drop the triple-A rating on Gilts, the pound sterling will be brutalized, end of story.

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